Miks te saate selle teavituse?
Selleks et suurendada inbox.lt postkastide turvalisust veebiohtude vastu ja aidata kasutajatel oma konto turvalisust paremini jälgida, võib iga meie e-posti serverite kasutaja saada informatiivse teavituse ebatavalisest sisselogimistegevusest: näiteks katsetest siseneda kasutajakontole ebatavalistest brauseritest või seadmetest. Kahjuks ei saa inbox.lt kindlaks teha, milline isik konkreetset sisselogimist üritab, seega peaksite arvestama, et võite sellise teavituse saada, kui kasutate oma e-posti esimest korda uuel arvutil, telefonil või brauseris; kui kasutate brauseri inkognito- või privaatset sirvimisrežiimi; kui olete kustutanud oma küpsised; samuti siis, kui keegi teine on teie kontole ligipääsu saanud.
Mida teha, kui keegi teine on teie postkasti sisse loginud?
Kui kahtlustate pärast teavituse saamist, et keegi teine on teie e-posti kontole ligi pääsenud, soovitame teie konto turvalisuse tagamiseks järgida järgmisi samme:
Uuendage oma konto parool
Vahetage oma parool kohe uue ja tugeva parooli vastu. Vältige varem kasutatud paroole. -
Muutke oma salajane küsimus ja vastus
Uuendage oma konto taastamisküsimus ja -vastus, et vältida volitamata taastamiskatseid. -
Lisage alternatiivne kontaktandmed
Lisage oma konto profiili seadetesse alternatiivne e-posti aadress ja/või telefoninumber, et parandada taastamisvõimalusi. -
Lülitage sisse kaheastmeline autentimine (2FA)
Aktiveerige kaheastmeline autentimine, et lisada oma postkastile täiendav turvakiht. -
Kontrollige POP3/IMAP-i krüpteerimise seadeid
Kui kasutate e-kirjadele juurdepääsuks POP3 või IMAP protokolle, veenduge, et andmete krüpteerimine (TLS/SSL) on lubatud. -
Kontrollige alternatiivse juurdepääsu seadeid
Keelake ajutiselt juurdepääs oma postkastile seotud kontode, näiteks Facebooki või Twitteri kaudu, et vähendada riske.
Kuidas see teavitus välja lülitada?
Kui olete kindel, et teie kontol ei toimu kahtlast tegevust, ja te ei soovi enam teavitusi kahtlase ligipääsu kohta saada, tehke järgmist:
- Avage Seaded -> Kasutajaprofiil -> Teavitused.
- Eemaldage linnuke valiku Teavita kahtlasest kontole sisenemisest juurest.
- Vajutage Salvesta
Kust leida rohkem teavet konkreetse sisselogimise kohta?
Saadud teavituses on järgmine teave saadaval:
- Kuupäev – millal ja mis kellaajal toimus kahtlane sisselogimine,
- Riik – millises riigis asus ligipääsu teinud seade,
- Operatsioonisüsteem – millist seadet kasutati sisselogimiseks, näiteks Windows/Linux süsteem või mobiiltelefon (Android / iOS).
Samal ajal näete oma profiilis viimase õnnestunud sisselogimise IP-aadressi. Kui vajate täiendavat teavet, saatke oma postkastist päring aadressile support@inbox.lt.
On the first page of „User profile” there is an informative data about last successful authorization date and IP address, also as information about Your account registration.
This information can be helpful for Your independent control of access to Your email. This way You can opportunely reveal unsanctioned access to Your email and report it to Inbox.lv.
When You register your mailbox, Your entered personal data is automatically taken for creating Your account. If You 've entered incorrect information or it has been changed, You can fix it.
If You want to change Your basic personal data, You can do it in the "User profile" (more).
If You want to change only that data , which is seen to the recipients of Your letters, You can do it in "Options" - more information here.
What is this?
2-step verification (known also as two-factor authentication) is an extra layer of your account security, protecting you from your data stealing. It can be implemented using mobile application for code generation, installed on your mobile device and set exactly for your account.
Why is this necessary?
2-step verification helps to protect different malicious attacks and eliminates the possibility, that anyone can pick up or steal your password. It is actual for those, who uses the same password on different web-pages, is downloading programs through the Internet, is using a public computer or clicks on links in e-mail messages. 2-step verification helps to rise the security level of your account.
How does it works?
In essence, it is a two-stage login into your mailbox account: the first one is your login and password entering, and the second – you need to enter six digit code, generated by the application which is set up in mobile device specially for your account.
Which mobile phones can be used for 2-step verification?
For 2-step verification, you can use any mobile phone, where is a possibility to download, install and set up code generating application. There is no matter which model or operating system do you use.
How to enable?
To enable 2-step verification, you need to:
1) Install a code generator application to your mobile phone:
- Select one of the suggested applications depending on your mobile phone operating system. By clicking on the proposed program, the download link opens, also a detailed description of the proposed application.
- Install the selected application on your mobile phone.
List of available apps for phone:
Android (FreOTP, Google Authentificator, Other)
iOs (FreOTP, Google Autentificator, Other)
Windows Phone (Autentificator, OTP Autentificator, Other)
2) Set up code generation exactly for your account:
- Log into your account using the Web-based interface, and then go to the user profile,
- Select on your name and surname, select user profile icon
, enter your password and press "Confirm"
- Choose the selection "2-step verification" click "Enable" button,
- At this stage, you will see the window "Install a code generation app". Press “Continue” button,
- At this stage a barcode will be offered for you to scan it by mobile application (for barcode reading), so all the settings can be set automatically,
- If you do not use a barcode scanning application, then you have to manually adjust settings for code generator for your account, - follow the instructions after clicking on “Can not scan the barcode” in email options at web-based interface,
- After you have completed customization of the code generator app on your mobile phone, open the application and generate code by pressing “Generate key”,
- Enter this code to the “Pin” field in your mailbox options,
- Press “Verify and save”.
!!!If you missed the first generated code, then please repeat all the above steps. Erase the scanned bar code, take a picture again and press on the “Generate Key”. In this time, please enter first code.
- If the 2-step verification is set successfully, you will see a confirmation message about 2-step verification activation for your account.
- The next time you get in the mailbox, after you’ve entered your login and password, you will be asked for a six-digit code generated by the application set in your mobile phone for your account.
How to disable?
You can disable 2-step verification any time you need. To do that:
- Log into your account using the Web-based interface, and then go to the mail options,
- Select "User Profile", enter your password and press "Confirm"
- Choose the selection "Account security", "2-step verification" click "Unable" button
What if generated code is not suitable?
Probably the generated code is not suitable because of incorrect time in your phone. Set the proper time(or enable automatic time detection) in your phone.
What if the phone is stolen or lost?
If your mobile phone is stolen or lost, then in this case, you have to take password restoreprocedure. After a successful password restore two-step verification to your account will be automatically switched off. To re-activate this function, you need to go throught activation process from the beginning.