Kiired küsimused

To clear the username and password that automatically appears at the moment, before you log in your inbox, You need to delete records and passwords which is stored in your browser.


!Find out how to do it on your browser Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer

Sildid: password  

You can change the password, entering your user account, “Settings” and "Change Password"


! Remember that the password is the most important way to protect your user profile. You should not compile easily guessed password, never use the same passwords for registration to several internet portals, and never reply to letters with a request to send your users profile password.

Sildid: password  

Kui olete unustanud parooli ega suuda seda käepäraste meetoditega taastada, siis saatke meile järgmised andmed, mille alusel saame kindlaks teha, et just teie olete postkasti omanik: 

  1. enda ees- ja perekonnanimi;
  2. sünniandmed;
  3. salaküsimuse võimalikud vastusevariandid;
  4. mobiiltelefoni number, millele saadame teie postkasti uue parooli. Parool saadetakse tekstisõnumina;
  5. IP-aadress, millelt te kõige sagedamini oma postkasti sisse logite. IP-aadressi saate täpsustada järgmise lingi kaudu:;
  6. selle postkasti nimi, mille parooli vajate;
  7. nimekiri aadressidest, millele või millelt on teie postkastist kirju saadetud.

! Saadud andmeid kasutatakse VAID postkastile juurdepääsu taastamiseks.

Sildid: password  

Before you recover your deleted email box, check if the mailbox is already open for new registrations.


1. If the mailbox is already open for new registrations, then you can’t restore it.

2. In case if username is not yet available for registration, contact us and write in message information about a mailbox that you want to restore, when it was deleted, and if you remember, then write what was the mailbox password.


! When we receive your letter, we will answer you if this mailbox can be restored and which information we need from you.


You can’t change the username. If you want different username than you need to register a new mailbox with a new username and impose incoming mail forwarding to the new e-mail address.


! Keep in mind that you need to enter into your e-mail box at least once in 9 months using a page. Otherwise, the mailbox will be inactive and after some time it will be deleted, without the possibility to restore it.